Short Synopsis
This 14-minute storybook fantasy tells the story of Dudley the lamb, the only toy ever created by the world's finest toy mender. Dudley's nemesis, the evil wooden wolf Silas, has been terrorizing the store where they live. When Silas turns his menacing teeth toward Dudley's creator, the little lamb must defend his home.
Now, you may know this,
but, then you may not,
but there once was a poor, gray Toy Keeper,
who owned a quaint little shop.
In all the land over,
and well past the sea,
there was no greater mender
of toys than was he.
But in all the days
which have passed 'neath the sun,
he has fixed many dolls,
but made only one.
The doll was given
Dudley for its name,
and though all the children would ask for him,
they would all hear the same:
"Can I have the lamb,
there on your desk?"
"I love my dear Dudley,
so must deny your request."
Story and poetry copyright © 2005, Patrick Algermissen.