Anastasia Marie Algermissen

Read the Birth Story
First Picture
This is the first picture ever taken of Anastasia. Here she is less than a minute old.

Here she is soon after birth, with her first piece of medical paraphernalia. Since premature infants typically cannot keep their lungs open, all preemies are immediately put on respirators.

Anastasia and Daddy
This was taken about three hours after birth. She's already off the respirator and breathing room air! The elephant trunk is used to keep pressure in her lungs, but she is breathing under her own power. She was even blowing huge spit-bubbles that night.

Nappy Time
This was taken the day after her birth. The trunk was gone, and replaced with simple oxygen tube. This was gone by the next day, as well. The nurse who brought us this picture told us she was doing "better than average."

A sorta scary looking baby
One of the nurses presents Anastasia on her 3rd day of life. There's no real story behind this picture. I just put it up her to embarrass her one day.

Mommy's Little Girl
Eva holds Anastasia for the first time. This was taken just after the crying slowed down.

The Family
The family, all together for the first time.

Daddy's Little Girl
Daddy holds his baby for the first time. Blubbering is imminent.

Bili-Light Baby
Anastasia is put back to sleep after all the hectic activity of being held by her 'rents for the first time. She had jaundice at this time, so she is under some magical blue lights called "bili lights" that help break down the bilirubin in her system that causes this problem. The eye mask is to prevent the bili-lights from turning her eyes into flaming orbs of death.

Baby's First Bath
Anastasia's first tubby-style bath, at only 4 days old! This was done just before we showed up that night.

Heidi the Nurse
Anastasia is held here by Heidi, the night-shift nurse who cared for her the first week and a half of her life. Heidi works at the NICU nights, and raises horses during the day. She was trampled during the first week watching Asia, but is OK.

Daddy's Hands
I don't know if this picture is to prove that she's really tiny, or that I have really big hands, or that she has really tiny hands that are too big to fit in her mouth, but whatever the point is, it's dang cute. Here, she is 8 days old.

Drying the Baby
We gave her another bath just after the hands picture, and now she's being put back into her incubator while Daddy dries her.

Close Up
todo: Add witty description.

OK, I know this is a lot like the last pic, but just look how cute those eyes are. LOOK AT 'EM!

Eva admires her young.
Eva admires her young.

Watching Mom
I like to look intently at Eva's face too, but I usually don't have electrodes taped to my chest while I do it. Usually.

ID Cards start earlier and earlier
Anastasia in her incubator. The handy card taped on top let us be sure we had the right baby.

All Girls Must Wear Pink
Mommy puts Anastasia's first pink dress on her. We don't normally believe that pigmentation should determine gender roles in society, but hey - it was a free dress :)

The Great Gonzo
Baby Gonzo stands watch inside the incubator.

Mommy's Hand
Anastasia looks up at Mommy, while she pats her little baby head.

Daddy's scary grin
No, I don't know what that look on my face is, and yes, it is a little scary. I'm sure it's joy, though.

Tape on the Face
They used to feed my baby by putting tape on her face. As it turns out, this is also an effective way of seeing if the baby has sensitive skin. She does.